Saturday, October 27, 2007

My first two weeks surfing the blogosphere..

During the last two weeks of blogging, I have found that there is actually a lot of things to be experienced on blogs, of which I had absolutely no idea! Well, I have to say that before exploring the blogosphere, I was not particularly interested in visiting and having to do with blogs because I am not very fond of technology and computers! The very first week of our blogging I actually felt a little confused and lost, because I did not have a precise idea of what a blog consists of and how to work with it.. However, once I started handling them, reading through bloggers’ comments, clicking on the links I found here and there, I have realized that they are an incredible source of knowledge, where you can find anything you want, from the latest news around the world, to travel tips, food recipes and so on! I was struck by the huge variety that the blogosphere contains: there you can really find any kind of blogs, from those which deal with more formal and informative topics to the more informal ones.

Moreover, I think that blogging opens the way to a new form of communication based on interaction between people from all over the world, on the exchange of their ideas and opinions, creating in this way a kind of virtual global community, where everyone can have his/her own say! In my opinion weblogs can be a useful means to improve my skills in written English as well as to learn better the more informal level of language, which particularly in the last year of my degree course was quite left out.. I have actually realized that I still have some difficulties in having a fluent conversation with an English native speaker and I hope that blogs will help me to improve my oral skills as well!
Finally, I have to say that I’m really having a lot of fun in creating my own blog, as it is something which I can organize according to my preferences, giving free play to my ideas in developing it, enriching it with photos and thoughts…isn’t it fantastic?!
Well girls, I’m looking forward to reading your comments!



Blogger said...

Silvia! YOu've really reach the gol!
As I read your post i thought "Wow, she's really expressed what I wanted to say!". I mean you've written what I feel in a good way, better than mine!
good job!

Letizia said...

Hi Silvia!
I agree with Zara: you've reached the gol!
I agree with you about the fact that on the blog you have the opportunity to communicate with different people who have different culture and tradition and it's an important source of language-learning. I hope to improve my english too.
Creating a personal blog is a wonderful thing! We can post whatever we want, add links and images!!! Before this experience I couldn't imagine to have the possibility to create a my personal blog!
See you soon!

Giada said...

Hi Silvia!
I think that in this post you pointed out something really interesting, that is the possibility to absorb the informal language. Exploring the blogosphere can help us to understand how people express themselves everyday in the real world and this is great! I like finding out how youg people use language whem writing a blog or surfing the Net: last week I really came across a lot of unknown words and expressions while trying to pick up two blogs from the vast universe of the blogosphere! In my opinion this is one the most positive aspects of blogging since at university we have always been dealing with a formal register and academic texts.
See you on Monday!

The Ghellers said...

Hi Silvia!
I’m having a lot of fun too! My personal hope is that our blogs will not become “places where we post our homework” but real interactive pages where people can exchange opinions and information!